Pork Pies? It's child's play
How to bake a pork pie
It probably hasn't escaped your attention that, in our Pies By Post shop, we don't only sell pork pies that are ready baked, for years we've also sold frozen ones for you to bake at home (with full instructions). We always say that it's really easy and here's the proof. This is Madeleine, the daughter of one of our customers baking their pie last Christmas. Isn't she brilliant?
Carefully does it
We've decided that this is the new staff uniform.
How to glaze a pork pie
Glazing like an expert
Anyway, the point is that they are terrifically convenient, you can take one out of the freezer (no need to defrost) and let the magic commence. We sell them in several sizes, this is a large one. If you've never smelt the deliciousness of a pork pie baking then you are really missing out on one of life's greatest joys. You definitely need to put that right. Click here immediately...
Dad Brendan sent us these photos when he sent us his Christmas's order today. And there's no greater recommendation than a repeat customer. Thanks Brendan (and Madeleine - you've got a job with us, as soon as Dad lets you).